
Mobile Payments: Will They Dominate The Market?

The idea of a comprehensive digital ID looks like the solution, but there’s much work to do in regards to implementing it. Such as which organization will have the responsibility of implementing such a thing, the extent to which consumers will feel comfortable using it, and the biggest one: are consumers ready to digitize their identity and put it on the internet.

All of these are possibilities and questions worth pondering, as technology advances, there are some compromises both organizations and consumers must make to keep new technologies from crashing and burning.

The Future is Phygital

The Future is Phygital December 20, 2023 As with many other aspects of life, the COVID-19 pandemic affected the payments landscape in terms of the accelerated rate in which digitalization occurred. However, for many SMEs and retailers, physical interaction is still essential. For this very reason. Today we will be talking about the ‘phygital’ concept …

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Shopping Around For A Better Checkout Experience: Unprepared Merchants Are Left Behind

Shopping Around For A Better Checkout Experience: Unprepared Merchants Are Left Behind November 29, 2023 Inflation continues to change consumers’ spending habits. As wallets get tighter, shoppers take their time to shop around. According to research conducted by payments integrator Adyen and digital payments integrator, Fime, the main points consumers focus on when shopping around …

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A New White Paper Focuses On Helping European Businesses Reduce Cart Abandonment

A New White Paper Focuses On Helping European Businesses Reduce Cart Abandonment  August 30, 2023 A new white paper by JBC international aims to help European merchants with a prevalent issue in e-commerce: cart abandonment. The e-commerce market around the globe is experiencing steady growth, and it’s expected to cross the $6.3 trillion threshold this …

A New White Paper Focuses On Helping European Businesses Reduce Cart Abandonment Read More »

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